English program

Festi'VE Thursday September 26th, 2024 - Tréfilerie Campus

Thursday September 26th, 2024, from 11a.m. to 7p.m., in the park of Tréfilerie Campus, Festi'VE will help you students to take charge of your daily student life, around several major themes: health, well-being, sport, food, culture, mobility, managing your budget, feeling good at home, etc

The programm will offer you: funny and participative workshops, animations, concerts, performances and DIY workshops for your housing, escape games, culinary tastings, sports games and exhibitions.

A free event open to all students of Saint-Étienne, organized by the UJM and "le Crous de Lyon", with many partners and fininced by the "CVEC"


⇒ Don't miss the many back-to-school events offered at the start of the school year, in particular, the Sports Escapade organized on Thursday, October 3rd by the SUAPS (Sports Department). Intended for all students off St Etienne City, this orienteering race in "le Pilat" will help you discover the surrounding nature!

⇒ Throughout the year, participate in the many actions offered thanks to the CVEC.

In Instagram, follow @crous_sainte_roanne ; @ujm_vie_etudiante y @univjeanmonnet.

Festi'VE: discover the program!

Find the full detailed program below: 

By themes:

Well-being/Health :

Interactive exhibition “L’égalité ça se travaille” (“Equality have to be worked”)
1a.m. – 6p.m.

*SSV unit of the UJM (Sexist and Sexual Violence) and “CIDFF de la Loire”.

Through this interactive exhibition, come and discuss issues of equality between men and women and discover the UJM *SSV unit !

Come and discuss equality between women and men and the sexist and sexual violence with an augmented reality exhibition (compatible only with Android) and train your sense of repartee to fight against sexism everyday with the game “Moi, c’est Madame”. (With “le CDIFF 42”) Also take the opportunity to discover the UJM alert unit and talk with the University Medicine Department!

Game on mental health
11a.m. - 6p.m.

My health without taboos! Come and bring all your friends to the stand of university preventive medicine to discover our activities and our games (With the University Preventive Medicine, ENISE, and GEM)

- Game “d’accord/ pas d’accord” (mental health stereotypes)

- Game "bien ou quoi? En parler peut tout changer" (suicide prevention)

- Game "amour.s" (emotional life and living together)

The benefits of osteopathy in the life of a student
11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Test your osteopathy needs ! (With "le CIDO")

Stress, pain, diet, posture… Come and discover how osteopathy can support you in your student life thanks to our quick quiz and leave with a voucher for a 5 euros consultation in our educational clinics!

Water Pong of Mental Health Stereotypes
11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Come and break the stereotypes about mental health, and the myths that surround it and challenge your friends to water pong ! (With Nightline)

Like beer pong, each cup is associated with a stereotype about mental health. People in turn, throw a ping pong ball and a discussion is launched on the stereotype corresponding to the number of the cup targeted.

Game “Sécu’rieux” on addictions and tobacco
11 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Through this digital escape game on addictions and 4 preventive courses, come and decrypt a code that will allow you to open the safe and to leave with a gift ! (With “la CPAM de la Loire")

This activity helps prevent the risks associated with addictive behaviour in a funny way through 2 courses on the themes of tobacco and addictions!

Health prevention exam
11a.m. – 5: 30p.m.

Come and have your health prevention exam (With "la CPAM de la Loire")

Through a presentation of the preventive health exam, come and make an appointment with doctors and nurses to discuss your health (free examination)!

“Le picolo”
11a.m. – 2p.m.

Match glasses of alcohol to their caloric equivalents! (With the League Against Cancer)

“La juste dose”
11a.m. – 2p.m.)

Come compare the doses of home alcohol with the doses of bars and discuss your alcohol consumption ! (With the League Against Cancer)

Game “Sentier de l’aidance”
11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

From a wooden game called “sentier à parcourir” on the status of student helper, come play in pairs try, with a marble to complete a course on an inclined board while avoiding the holes (with the student association “Ess'quiss”).

Game « Agir pour le handicap »
12p.m. – 6p.m.

Come spin the wheel to discover the support offered at the university to students with disabilities (with the UJM Disability Reception Office).

Talk with us to better understand disability. We also have many jobs offers throughout the academic year;

Diversity fresco
12p.m. – 6: 30p.m.

Come and participate in the diversity fresco and take the opportunity to discuss gender equality in the digital world ! (With *INSPIRE).

Game “No Taboo”
1p.m. – 6p.m.

A game about consent and health where we have fun guessing words, without being able to say some of them. Because putting the right words to situations is essential, we must first be able to explain them ! (With Crous Social Worker)

Here we discuss contraceptives, anatomy, pleasure, feelings, sexual practices and sexual orientations as well as gender identities.

Give oneself the means :

Thrift store space
11a.m. - 7p.m.

Come choose some stuff in this 100% free space! (With le Pop’Shop, the UJM and “le Crous”)

To equip your apartment or refresh your wardrobe for the new school year, a 100% free thrift store and recycling centre will be open throughout the event. Thank you to the many donors!

Trip into the heart of the (UJM) Foundation: Quiz
11a.m. - 6p.m.

Foundation Challenge: Will you be able to answer? (With the UJM Foundation)

Dive into the heart of the UJM Foundation with this interactive quiz, prizes will be won! Test your knowledge, discover the power of commitment and skills sharing. Learn more about our mission, our history and our flagship projects. Are you ready to take on the challenge?

The games of destiny
11a.m. - 5p.m.

See your future in a new prism! (with Cap Avenir)

Explore your possibilities in 2D with the D&D- “Diplôme et Destins” (“diploma and destiny”) game. Come discover your future by drawing the University Tarot cards. Then, unlock your creativity and intuition with “the draw me a job” challenge. Finally, come discover your month of October thanks to the university horoscope.

The commitment fair
11:30 a.m. - 6p.m.

Show us what you can do ! (With l’AFEV)

Do you want to acquire new skills while being a student? Then come and have fun at the Afev fair that challenges you on giant wooden games! To eat a crepe, you just have to spill some cans and answer the questions they contain! And if you're interested, we invite all the students and instructors of the Festi've to share their vision of commitment on an expression wall!

“Bling Bling”
1p.m. - 6p.m.

Find all the tips to manage your budget well during your university year ! (With the social workers of the “Crous de Lyon”, the MPU, the UDAF 42 and the Entraide sociale 42)

Bling bling is a life-size serious game (immersive group game) where you will be required to make choices impacting your budget during your university year.

Well at home :

An environmentally friendly tableware
11a.m. - 11: 30a.m.

Leave with your own dishwashing liquid and tips for cleaning. (With FNE Loire)

You don't know what type of dishwashing liquid to use? Is it good for your skin? Is it good for the environment? And isn't the price too high? Come and make your dishwashing liquid, good for you and the environment and at a lower cost. You will then leave with your sample and tips for doing your household chores cheaply and ecologically.

The environment fresco
11a.m. - 2: 30p.m.

Even waste can become masterpieces ! (With the student association “Volonterre”)

On the white canvas, take part in this environmental fresco and play with waste in an artistic way to make ecology a source of creativity!

The eco quiz: true or false ?
11a.m. - 2: 30p.m.

May the best person win ! (With the student association “Volonterre”)

Come and challenge your friends with true/false questions about the environment, to learn more while having fun! Points will be awarded for each question in order to win a gift (to introduce you to being a “bobo-écolo”)!

Be comfortable in your home
11a.m. - 3p.m.

Play to learn more about air quality in an apartment ! (With SEM, the City of Saint-Etienne and ATMO AURA).

Cluedo, quiz on housing, presentation of the “captothèque”(a device that allows you to borrow micro-sensors to carry out experiments to measure air quality), prizes will be won...

Housing rights quiz
11a.m. - 6p.m.

Come and test your knowledge of housing and learn how to avoid traps ! (With ADIL lawyers)

Rental, financial difficulties, renovations, home ownership...

ADIL lawyers provide you with free, complete, neutral answers that are tailored to your situation. Before committing, come and consult us!


Making a solid shampoo
11a.m. - 6p.m.

More savings and less packaging (With APIEU Milles Feuilles)

You will be able to make your own solid shampoo using natural cosmetic ingredients and you will leave with the recipe and your handmade shampoo.

Plants at home
12p.m. - 12: 30p.m. and 12: 45p.m. - 1: 15p.m.

Plants at home yes, but not just any ! (With FNE Loire)

Feeling comfortable at home sometimes come from nature so we suggest you plant aromatic plants thus, combining the benefits of plants and your artistic side to decorate your pot.

An upcycling sewing workshop
2p.m. - 7p.m.

Sewing workshop to create small creations using recycle fabric (With Self-Esteem Couture)

Thus, you will leave with a pencil case, a tote bag, a pillowcase, a scrunchy or other things made by yourself! You will also have the possibility to customize your stuff with embroidery stitches and textile markers.

DIY Workshop
2: 30p.m. - 7p.m.

Drill, screw and cut… Tidy up and decorate your apartment by learning to DIY and creating your own spice rack (or other stuff holder) ! (With the DIYer)

With recycle wood we can give free rein to your imagination and feel better at home.

“Macramé” workshop
3p.m. - 7p.m.

Come create your own hanging basket ! (With La brouette/ l’Asso de ouf)

This workshop will allow you to discover the basic of “macramé” technique. As a bonus, you will bring home your own handmade hanging baskets for your fruits and vegetables!

Be well while being mobile :

The bike fair
11a.m. - 6p.m.

Come choose for the second-hand bike of your dreams ! (With Ocivélo and la Souris Verte)

The “Ocivélo” association will offer for sale dozens of refurbished and revised bikes, ready to ride. If you are a student at UJM you will also be able to benefit from financial aid following your purchase!

*Bike repair shop in Saint-Etienne

“Vélivert” test
11a.m. - 5p.m.

Take charge of an electric Vélivert (With Vélivert instructors)

Accompanied by Vélivert instructors, you will be able to try the electric-assisted bikes of Saint-Etienne Métropole (SEM). How the bike works, the app and the Vélivert terminals will no longer have any secrets for you.

Introduction to mechanic
11a.m. - 3p.m.

Learn to repair a bike ! (With La Souris Verte)

Repair a wheel, tighten your brakes, adjust your derailleur… the bike will no longer have any secrets for you.

“That’s the last straw” (“La fin des haricots”)
11a.m. - 7p.m.

Challenge your mobility knowledge ! (With Mov'ici)

Through a team game, discover all the issues surrounding mobility, prizes will be won!

Entertain oneself well:

New scene concert
11a.m. – 12p.m.

Inauguration of the new Tréfilerie stage!

With its new building, the Tréfilerie campus also welcomes a new stage!

We're coming to shake up your meal with a concert!

The “PHNMN Fréquences” Off
3p.m. – 7p.m

We warm up for the “PHNMN Fréquences” festival. (With the association “Phénomène”)

Come and discover the “PHNMN Fréquences” festival off in the Tréfilerie park, 4 emerging groups will be there to get you in the mood, enough to warm up to end the evening on Place Jean Jaurès in front of the festival's main stage!

Museums are coming to Tréfilerie
11 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Discover the world of the Museums of Art and Industry and Couriot Mine Museum through lively activities ! (With the Museum of Art and Industry and Couriot Mining Museum)

Blowpipe workshop: Who will achieve the target with the power of their breath? It's your turn!

Brick challenge workshop: With Legos at your disposal, would you be able to recreate a coal bin?

Fencing initiation workshop: Who has never dreamed of wielding a sword like “The Three musketeers: D’Artagnan”? Ready, set and go!  

The Saint-Étienne Quiz
11 a.m. – 7p.m.

Are you a "real" Saint-Étienne resident? (With the youth service of the city of Saint-Étienne)

The youth service of the city of Saint-Étienne suggests you come and test your knowledges about the city and its history through a fun and educational quiz.

Around the world in one afternoon
11 a.m. – 7 p.m..

UJM, an opening to the world. (With the international management of Jean Monnet University)

♦ Linguistic blind test and intercultural quiz with prices to be won on “Kahoot”.

♦ International student testimonies and students who have gone abroad.

♦ Social Media Photo Competition

♦ Dressing with a “kakemono” and communication on our Instagram account #ujmauboutdumonde

Soubresaut CartoFun : Quiz and fresh juice !
11 a.m. – 7p.m.

Confront yourselves in our cultural game to win a smoothie or pedal ! (With the "Soubresaut" association)

The Soubresaut association invites you to compete in a guessing game about the region's cultural sites. Sharpen your knowledge of new outings to do in Saint-Etienne and its surroundings, and win a smoothie prepared by our smoothie bike.

Posters fair
12 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Do you like movie posters? Come and get one for your new apartment! (With the “Méliès” cinema)

The Méliès cinema, offers you a posters fair, from heritage films to this summer's films, small or large posters, there will be something for everyone!

Being well in your library means being well in your studies !
12 p.m. – 5: 30 p.m.

You are well in your UJM University Libraries.

Come and discover the full range of services available in the 4 UJM BUs in Saint-Étienne, to promote your success and well-being: services and animation and training programs will be presented to you, while you can discover the Tréfilerie BU with our serious game “le soulèvement des machines” ("the lifting of the machines") with 1 to 4 players per team, by registering at the stand. Or try to win goodies by participating in a quiz on BU stereotypes, unless you prefer to lounge in a deckchair with a comic strip!

“Brique à Brique”
1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Put yourself in the shoes of the poster artist of the end of the XIXth century who must think with printmaking techniques to create his poster (With “Le Domaine” association)

Discover the early history of the poster, different printing techniques, build your advertising poster using bricks, ink them and print them on the paper of your choice.

Create your scene
2 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Have you always wanted to act in a movie or shoot a movie? This is YOUR moment, finally you will be able to say, “look mum I'm on TV” (with "MYALIENPRODUCTION" association)

Come and discover the different audiovisual professions by shooting a film scene and/or talking with the speakers.

Eat well :

Pickles Workshop - Old-Fashioned Preservation Methods
11a.m. - 3p.m.

Come create your own anti-waste jar (With "la Fabuleuse Cantine")

Avoid wasting vegetables with low-cost preservation methods!

Olfactory blind tests… and other surprises !
11 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Come and discover food differently!

Reading labels, food pyramid, sensory discoveries, etc. Come and challenge yourselves and maximize your chances of getting exceptional prizes offered by the City of Saint-Etienne and “Saint-Etienne Métropole”, to eat without breaking the bank!

“Le Barvard”
11a.m. - 7p.m.

So, are you coming to drink a syrup and chat with us ? (With the student association “le Domaine”)

A contraction of “bar” and “bavard” (in french), “le Barvard” is a refreshment bar which aims to encourage discussion and sharing.

11a.m. - 7p.m.

After the emotion, a potion ! (With Laure Poindextre, a nutritionist)

Come and savour your smoothie that you have mixed yourself while pedalling with the sweat of your brow!

“Lance ta crêpe” (“throw your pancake”)
11a.m. - 7p.m.

Come savour a pancake and do a ring toss ! (With “l’Agoraé”, a student grocery store)

This game of skill will allow you to discover seasonal fruits and vegetables, as a bonus, you win a pancake. “L’Agoraé” will be present to tell you about these different projects including student fruits and vegetables basket, the student social grocery and many other things.  

“Cantine Itinérante” - La Tablée hors les murs (“Travelling canteen”)
11a.m. - 5p.m.

Come and cook! Here we don’t put our feet under the table, but our finger in the pie ! (With “La Tablée”, the participatory canteen of St Etienne)

The opportunity to discover and prepare simple but delicious recipes, ready in less than an hour! Choose the recipe that you want to make and have the finger in the pie. It's up to you to decide if you want to enjoy your preparation immediately, share it or take it home!

“Découverte des plantes sauvages” (“Discovery of wild plants”)
Two departures from the stand: 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.

Marvel at the wild plants within reach and all their uses ! (with “Le goût du Sauvage”, individual company that offers plant discovery outings)

We will take some quality time to rediscover the beautiful little wild plants that line the way and present their many uses and benefits... provided that you recognize them and use them well! Outing accompanied by Charlie Braesch, ethnobotany practitioner for "Le goût du Sauvage".

Low budget cooking tutorials
2:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Come discover and taste new recipes ! (With “le Crous de Lyon”)

The Crous chefs are mobilizing to show you interactive demonstrations of easy, low-cost, seasonal recipes.

Sport Village

Rowing Challenge
11a.m. – 6p.m.

Who will row the fastest? With a reward at stake. In a limited time, who will do the most kilometres ? (With SUAPS)

This workshop will allow you to discover bodybuilding equipment offered by the SUAPS and to challenge other students.

Inflatable game
11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Take part in our life-size Connect 4 event, where monthly back-to-school packs will be distributed ! (with FASEE)

Test your knowledge of student life and discover FASEE projects with interactive quizzes!

Welcome stand
11a.m. – 7p.m.

Come and find out about the Physical and Sports Activities offered by the UJM and its partners at the welcome stand ! (With SUAPS)

Discover all the sports opportunities on campus with the SUAPS and its partners! Find out about registrations, training schedules and leave with everything you need for an unforgettable sports year.

Capoeira and dance demonstration
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Come and discover some activities offered by SUAPS such as capoeira and dance ! (with SUAPS)

Dive into the dynamic world of this Brazilian martial art, mixed with the captivating rhythms of dance. Don't miss this performance!

French boxing demonstration
2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Come and try French boxing with SUAPS !

Come and discover the intensity and mastery of this fighting art, to live a dynamic and inspiring experience!

“Laser run”
2p.m. – 6p.m.

Come challenge other students through this competition combining running, shooting and laser guns ! (with SUAPS)

Test your endurance and precision in this unique event that will test your physical and mental skills. Join us for this challenge.

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